Happy Pride Month From SkillCycle

June 1st, 2023 – SkillCycle, Kristy McCann Flynn

Colorful text spelling SKILL CYCLE with abstract circular shapes overlapping a partial black circle on the left side. Each letter is in a different vibrant color.

If you’re lucky enough to be different, don’t ever change.


Pride month is a monumental time of year. It’s a time to remember the remarkable equal rights journey the LGBTQIA+ community has fought for for decades. It’s also a month where I personally take some time to reflect on how far we’ve come as a country but also where we are falling behind again (Florida in particular, I’m looking at you). We SAY GAY – you should too.

Pride commemorates the series of violent clashes between police and gay rights activists, also known as the Stonewall Riots, which began in the early hours of June 28, 1969. After police raided the Stonewall Inn bar in New York City’s Greenwich Village neighborhood, the gay rights movement was born. This is a time to recognize past struggles, past victories, current progress, and celebrate your unique self. It’s a reminder to all that it’s okay to be different and that social norms do not need to be followed.

Because, what are social norms these days anyways? People are losing rights and operating out of fear because of difference. Difference drives the world, difference drives capitalism, difference is what drives us as beings – to recognize and see all that we are and can offer.

Staying true to our values, we are calling out the onslaught of policy attacks against trans children, LGBTQIA+ rights, and many more. We value all our colleagues regardless of diverse backgrounds, stand firmly against any discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and grow.

While there is much to celebrate, much work remains to be done. Young people who identify as LGBTQIA+ are overrepresented in child welfare – a stark fact that speaks to the difficult path so many queer youth have to navigate. On the national level, we continue to see the identities of queer and especially trans kids of color needlessly politicized and subjected to culture wars. These young folks are denigrated instead of championed for their individuality. Too often they are disdained instead of affirmed.

But not here at SkillCycle – our whole mission is to educate the hate out, to educate the bias out, learn to see the beauty in those differences and how to communicate and collaborate with one another. This is upskilling – how we all come together as humans to work, partner, collaborate, change, evolve, and drive the growth of emotional intelligence inside and out. No one should have to fear being different. Companies need to educate on difference and the economic rewards it reaps when done well. This is us – this is SkillCycle and this is you.

SkillCycle has curated a huge LGBTQIA+ employee and coach community that I’m so proud of, and I say this to them: stand proud & loud, and continue to drive your potential with all that we do to further yourselves and others. I am with you and we will celebrate all of you and what makes you different.