Companies Value Potential in Employees – Not in Candidates

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In most companies, the Human Resources (HR) and Learning and Development (L&D) teams manage between six and 24 programs in their human capital tech stack. The ideal number is four. And usually, these are disparate programs that are tricky for the learner and the HR professional to use.

Panoramic Ventures features SkillCycle Founder Kristy McCann Flynn

panoramic ventures

In most companies, the Human Resources (HR) and Learning and Development (L&D) teams manage between six and 24 programs in their human capital tech stack. The ideal number is four. And usually, these are disparate programs that are tricky for the learner and the HR professional to use.

Reworked features SkillCycle in latest article

the reworked logo sending readers to an article on the reworked website

The Value of Reskilling and Internal Mobility — Ultimately, shareholder perception about the value and deployment of layoffs also has to change. Once seen as an easy way to shed costs, layoffs should no longer be the go-to solution. Organizations must do a better job of prioritizing and pivoting people into new roles as the economic landscape changes.

SkillCycle featured in HRTech Newsbites

Logo with the text HR TECH FEED, where HR shines in blue, TECH pops in red, and FEED stands out in black. Beside FEED, an icon resembling a Wi-Fi signal suggests connectivity, perfect for HRTech Newsbites on the latest in media streaming.

SkillCycle was featured in HR Tech Feed’s Newsbites publication. The post highlights the revolutionary changes to the GoCoach platform that resulted in our brand’s relaunch. Be sure to check out the latest news on HR Tech Feed for more industry news,