Our team hosted a panel discussion with our coaches and clients on the importance of a learning culture within an organization and how to build it. You can watch the discussion below:
We often hear that companies struggle to find the right talent. According to a report published by Manpower Group last year, 7 in 10 companies believe they have a talent shortage.
When discussing the various people strategies used to tackle the talent shortage — or skills gap, many companies look at the 4 B’s: Build, Buy, Borrow, and Bridge. But what does each model entail?
Build: Companies build their talent in-house by investing in learning and development programs to grow their talent pipeline and upskill their existing and future workforce.
Buy: When the labor market is tight, companies go to the external market to find talent that cannot be found internally within a short time frame.
Borrow: Companies foster a talent pool within an internal and external community of freelancers, contractors, and temporary workers who work full or part-time to complement the internal team.
Bridge: Companies help employees move on from or move up within the organization. Can be an internal or external transition.
The proper blend of these models is the key to a successful talent strategy. Companies need to buy talent when needed, borrow talent to support the existing team, bridge when necessary, and most importantly, build a talent pool with the skills needed for today and tomorrow. Last week, we discussed the many benefits of building a culture of learning within an organization. It can increase employee engagement; retention; and performance, improve sales and customer retention, lower recruitment spend, mitigate tribal knowledge, and much more.
With much evidence to support how beneficial developing your talent pool can be within your organization, how exactly do you go about building this culture of learning? We’ve outlined some steps you can follow below:
The first step is to figure out where you are currently with the employees you do have. What existing skills and talent do you have? What are your gaps? Once you get a better understanding of what you currently have vs. what you need, you can start to work out how you’re going to get there. What tools and resources should you utilize to fill in the gaps?
There are a lot of different tools out there today to help companies upskill their employees. Do your research and figure out what’s going to be the best learning and development solution. You want to make sure that with whatever solution you provide your employees, it’s highly personalized, motivating, applicable to their work, and repeated. Be sure they are set up for success.
Build a business case to ensure that other stakeholders understand the “why” behind your solution. Talk to leaders and employees and ask them what their goals are and how they are going to achieve them. Use their feedback to support your initiative, by showing how your plan will help them reach their goals. Outline your program, the timing, etc. and justify why you are running things this way. Then, be sure to emphasize what your expected outcome will be of the program. What metrics are you going to keep track of to determine the success of the program? Retention rate? Team performance? Employee satisfaction? There are a lot of ways you can track performance. Be sure to collect feedback before, during, and after the program is in place to ensure you know how everything is going. This will help sell your case, now and in the future when you want to renew it.
Provide your employees with the tools and resources they need to continue their education. With the rise of automation, human skills such as communication, leadership, emotional intelligence, etc. are becoming increasingly important, so ensure that your employees are able to learn both hard and soft skills through their development program. Learning platforms with training modules, professional coaching, etc. provide great opportunities to develop different skills.
Companies that provide their employees with lifelong learning opportunities should involve them as soon as they are hired. Prepare young staff for future challenges by providing them with the tools they need to be successful today and tomorrow. This will help your company remain agile as the future of work evolves.
Building out a learning culture can take time and be costly, however, the benefits for the organization are tremendous. By investing in your employees’ future, you are investing in your company’s future and ensuring that you are on a long-term path of growth and success.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:00:00) – Hello, everyone.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:00:01) – Thank you for joining us. Thank you to all of our panelists for joining us. We’re excited about this event for many reasons. One, this is essentially the closing ceremonies in a way for what we have been doing since March. You know, when the COVID started, we began the path to be able to educate as many people. Complimentary to be able to upskill, you know, with all the unknowns out there. And we did this training weekly where we had close to 4000 people that we have helped and it’s been pretty amazing.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:00:36) – And so I’m thrilled and I can’t thank you all the people who attended these trainings, but all the Go Coach team and coaches that have also helped us, you know, go along the way to do this. We’ve also helped about 300 displaced workers and a bunch of them have gotten jobs too. And so we’re thrilled that, you know, we were able to do that and for our coaches that You know, dedicated their time to be able to, you know, not only help these people complimentary but to also help them be able to get back into the market.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:01:05) – So, you know, kudos to everything that everyone has done. You know, if for many of you that may not know me, I was never born to be an entrepreneur. I’m an HR person at heart. And I did it for 20 years and The whole reason that I created Go Coach was to really create a safe and supportive place for people to be able to learn and grow.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:01:26) – And we’re continuing to double down on that mission and it’s part of the reason why We’re having everybody come in today to be able to hear from our clients, be able to hear from our coaches and to be able to continue to extend You know, the path of education, which is, you know, hopefully one day will drive equality for everyone that’s out there and empowerment so that as we continue to skill ourselves, we continue to learn and grow and evolve ourselves and so I know lots of different things, but I’m thrilled for everybody to be here again.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:01:56) – I’m glad that I did do this. It’s been a scary feat. Creating my own company, but I couldn’t have done it with all the great individuals that are on here. So I just want to thank you all and I’ll pass it over to Rebecca.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:02:09) – Thank you, Kristy. And thank you everybody again for being here. You know, it is exciting. This is kind of the It’s the closing ceremonies of our training series, I think, but it’s sort of the opening ceremonies on us being able to do a lot of stuff with a lot of really good people with, you know, everything that we’ve got going on so Thank you to our panel for being here and thank you for all of our attendees who are dialing in watching later wherever you might be joining us. So just to kind of dive into a little bit about who everybody is here.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:02:35) – I’ll give everyone Sort of just, you know, a peek is to there. So when I say your name, just give a wave so that everyone knows who you are. And then we’ll dive into some Basic just kind of framework for what we’re going to be talking about topic wise. So we kind of, you know, have an understanding of what some of these terms are And then we’ll dive into some questions that the panel can really kind of You know, answer and discuss.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:02:55) – And so if you have any comments or questions as people are talking, feel free to drop questions in the Q&A Comments in the chat. So feel free to engage. We do see everything that you’re typing. So we’ll address as we go. So First up is Erin Korgie and give a wave. She’s a 12 year advertising agency veteran who decided to turn her passion for mentoring and leading teams into a new career as a professional coach.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:03:18) – She’s been working as a coach officially for the past three years and was one of the first coaches to lend her talents through the Go Coach platform. Another longtime coach of ours is Trish Lemley, Trish give a wave. She’s a media industry veteran who by day is a VP at a startup media software company and by night is a leadership and career coach. She’s worked with clients across many industries and verticals during her time as a Go Coach coach and has been here. I think also close to the beginning. I know for a definitely for a while.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:03:45) – And then we have Carmen West. Carmen, give a wave. Happy to see you here. Carmen’s a former HR executive, most recently at McGraw Hill. She’s also an HR consultant and a Go Coach coach who drives learning in every interaction. I think every time I talk to Carmen, I learned something new. And last but not least, we have Terry Pouser. Terry, give a wave. She’s the Chief People Officer at 1010 Data and she’s also a Go Coach client.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:04:09) – She began her career as an engineer and evolved into a people leader who drives impactful strategy that benefits both the business and the employees. So really happy to have everybody here who can kind of speak about, you know, this, this concept of build by borrowing bridge from a couple different angles from Chief People Officer to coaches to employees. executives and beyond. So just want to set some kind of definitions for what build by borrow and bridge are. So when we say when we’re talking about people strategy in terms of building.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:04:41) – And when we say build, we mean that you invest in learning and development to grow the talent pipeline and upskill the existing and potential workforce. And when we say build, we mean build by buy. It means you go to the external market to find the best talent that cannot be built in house in the timeframe required to fill immediate openings. So when you’re thinking about building, you go out and you bring it in.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:05:02) – Borrow is when you cultivate communities of talent inside and outside the organization, including part-time freelance contract and temporary workers to complement existing workforce. So people who are there to kind of be there for a little bit. And then finally, we have bridge help people move on and move up to new roles inside or outside the organization.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:05:22) – So we’re seeing a lot of these different, you know, strategies really come to light, especially in, you know, the way that we’re operating now with COVID and in remote work that people are kind of getting used to. But this has really been strategy that’s been progressing a lot probably, you know, especially over the last couple years or so.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:05:39) – So as we, you know, now that we kind of have a foundation of what these concepts are, I’d like to get into some of the questions and Terry, I’m going to start with you because I know this is, you know, sort of something that you kind of live and breathe, you know, in your role right now. So the question is, what measures have you utilized to evaluate your current talent in support of buy versus build? And how is the outcome of the evaluation integrated then into your people strategy?
Terry Pouser: (00:06:04) – Thanks.
Terry Pouser: (00:06:05) – Thanks, Rebecca.
Terry Pouser: (00:06:06) – Um, I think that the buy versus build and even the borrow and the bridge all come into play when you’re actually looking at your company strategy and the critical needs that it has to bring into into the company. And this is not a one time thing. Typically, you do this on a yearly basis because the company strategy may change as the industry changes, and so on and so forth.
Terry Pouser: (00:06:30) – But for me, I think for the build, one of the measures you have to have in place is to ensure that you have high performers that you have an infrastructure and that you’re able to develop your employees. If you don’t have those things in place, it’s very difficult to develop your employees.
Terry Pouser: (00:06:48) – So one of the recommendations I would make to anyone out there that is considering building or upskilling is to actually make sure that you have some type of a learning and development capability in place and that there’s a way to evaluate that talent when they’re when they’re getting built. The buy which most companies run towards all the time, you’re just going to go out and buy talent. It’s not always the right thing to do. When you’re buying talent, I think you need to consider, is this a long term strategy or short term strategy?
Terry Pouser: (00:07:18) – And if it’s short term and it’s because you have an urgent need and you need to upgrade something or you need to bring someone in because you have a spike in hiring and you want to bring in an extra recruiter, that would be where you’re borrowing. Or if you’re actually building relationships with partners, you might borrow people from your partnership. But when you’re actually considering buying, one thing you need to consider is, are those skills long term? Are they going to stay with the company?
Terry Pouser: (00:07:45) – If you’re buying employment, employees to come into the company, can you build them? Can you grow them? Do they have career development? And so on and so forth. So those are some of the things that you need to consider right now. You know, just giving a little storytelling here is we brought in a new CTO a couple months ago and we’re going through this exact strategy. We’re evaluating who do we have across the landscape.
Terry Pouser: (00:08:08) – We’re looking to move more of our customers into the cloud, which means that we need more talent aligned to doing cloud services because we don’t have it. And the consideration there is, do we bring employees in? Do we build them by giving, you know, we’re looking at some training for our engineers for cloud services, etc, etc.
Terry Pouser: (00:08:28) – So it’s not something like I said, you go through one time, you do it all the time, you could even do it at the end of the year, when you’re doing performance management, you’re promoting people, you may have to move someone into a new position and then backfill with either a buy, borrow, bridge or build a concept.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:08:45) – Yeah, and thank you, Terry. And it’s true, it is sort of always an ongoing conversation because your needs of the business are going to change or people are going to change. And so the strategy of how you implement your people in different areas to drive the business forward is always going to be kind of evolving.
Rebecca Taylor:(00:09:02) – And I think a lot of this is where kind of thinking about building people and, you know, borrowing people even, it really relies on supporting them through learning and development, right, and making sure that they have access to trainings, to tools that they need to understand how to wrap their arms around what they might be asked to do. And so there’s a really big part of learning and development that’s kind of on the learner, and it’s the concept of a growth mindset.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:09:28) – And it’s something that really needs to sort of be embedded into a company’s culture. And it’s something that I think is really important to kind of embrace and celebrate when you see it. So Carmen, I know this is a topic that you’re very passionate about and that you enjoy speaking about. So, you know, can you talk about a growth mindset and assuming the organization has this growth mindset, can you define how this mindset supports a learning culture and why it’s important?
Carmen West: (00:09:58) – For me, a growth mindset and a learning culture, well, you can’t have one without the other. They kind of are aligned, right? And so what I mean by that, an organization that has a growth mindset, learning is part of their DNA. You know, they want their employees to grow, to develop. But what that means oftentimes is where the misunderstanding could lie. What that means is, is not so much just, you know, taking an L&D class. It’s really ingrained in terms from a culture perspective, that learning around being persistent.
Carmen West: (00:10:41) – Okay, like today, me getting on this Zoom call, I was persistent to get here today. Those are some of the attributes that people have to have. You have to be resilient. You have to have courage. Be willing to be strategic. You know, think outside the box. Take risk. All of those things are the things with embodied in an organization that employees, managers empower their employees to have that. They empower their employees to fail. Because when you fail, that’s when you have the opportunity to learn.
Carmen West: (00:11:19) – So you know, employees that embody that they’re going to be in a different mindset, a different frame of, you know, direction of how they’re growing within an organization and the things that they are achieving within organization. And why that’s important, I wanted to make sure I get this part, is why that is important is that really addresses the problem of lack of engagement, lack of, you know, having the right kind of retention where people are staying. They’re staying because they’re engaged. They’re staying because they’re committed.
Carmen West: (00:11:56) – They’re staying because they have opportunities being provided to them. They’re staying because they are learning and growing within that organization and the culture embodies that. That’s what growth mindset and learning how they align together.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:12:14) – Thank you.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:12:14) – And I just want to add on to that too, just because when you look at this just from an overall company evolution, we’re constantly wanting to evolve our customers and we’re constantly wanting to evolve our technology. So why the hell wouldn’t we evolve the people that are actually working there that are, you know, doing all this evolution for other individuals? And so I find that a lot of times that companies have a growth mindset when it comes to actual monetary, you know, and what they’re going to gain from it.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:12:44) – When you look at having a growth mindset with your, you know, individuals in your company and your values, there is a huge monetary component to this because the more that you invest, the more that you get back. And it’s also financially responsible to be able to spend money on investing in your talent at a fraction of the cost and having to constantly rehire and recycle people. We have this skills gap and this war on talent before COVID and it’s going to be an even bigger mess post-COVID because of all the different changes that we’ve had to make.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:13:19) – And so it’s looking at just not, you know, the empowerment and the opportunity of the growth mindset is looking at it from a fiduciary responsibility. If you’re going to grow your customers and you’re going to grow your tech, then you better damn well grow your employees.
Carmen West: (00:13:33) – Right. You’re so right. It’s a natural progression. If you start out coming out the gate the right way, if you start out, okay, I’m worried about EBITDA, okay, you’re totally going in the wrong direction. You’re causing stress on your employees. So you’re going in the opposite direction.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:13:51) – Yeah. Yeah, it’s true. And so when we’re talking about really kind of fostering this, you know, Carmen, your background’s in HR and I know that you kind of work with a lot of different clients in this space. So what initiatives have your people teams put in place to foster this? Like what are some actionable things?
Carmen West: (00:14:07) – Right, right. So some of the things I’ll use McGraw Hill as an example, but at all of the examples, so a lot of it is training your managers on what this really means, because it starts there. It can’t just be me and HR and how I manage my team of people and, you know, and then everyone else in the organization is because they’re fixed. So you got growth mindset and you got fixed mindset. They’re fixed on how, you know, they’re managing on, well, this is how I’ve always done it. Then the organization as a whole isn’t going to grow.
Carmen West:(00:14:45) – So you know, and McGraw Hill, when I came in, it was about disrupting that a little bit, you know, honestly, because they were separating from a former company and this is all public. So they were separating from the former company and building from McGraw Hill companies to McGraw Hill education. So everything had to be built from an HR operations perspective for them across the globe. And the old way of how we did things or how they did things wasn’t going to be part of the future. It was new processes, new systems, you know, and new people.
Carmen West:(00:15:24) – So it was about in getting into the organization, helping them understand the new mindset and the direction that we were going in. And that in order to do that, change management obviously was a huge component in order to deliver on that. But it was about during that time, meeting face to face with them, hearing what their concerns are, understanding their fears, and working with them along the way and all the changes that were happening and why and when it was going to happen, happen and how they were going to be impacted by it.
Carmen West: (00:16:04) – That was how I was able to incorporate a lot of that mindset of a growth mindset so that we can achieve what we needed to achieve. But it is about expanding that learning throughout the organization, not just within HR.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:16:25)Yeah, I was going to say, and I know Trish, I know as the non HR person, I’d love for you to take it from here and talk about how it does take a village to do this and how you’ve done that.
Trish Lemley: (00:16:31) – Yeah, in my past, I’m totally just diving into everything Carmen is saying. I was the partner to someone like a Carmen in my organization in my past, and I was lucky enough even in a very large conglomerate type company to have an amazing partnership with HR. And I think part of this not being a flash in the pan to both Terry and Carmen’s previous comments and this being an actual culture where learning and growth continues, it can’t just be a one time, send all your VPs and executives to an offsite and great, they’re trained, they’re good.
Trish Lemley: (00:17:00) – They know what to do to continue the learning and growth. It has to be a constant day in, day out, month, year, quarter, like partnership between the business units and HR to continue the effort. And it has to happen on every front. So you have to have a fully strategic plan.
Trish Lemley: (00:17:16) – And some of the things I’ve been exposed to and lucky enough to be part of were things from, you know, literally onboarding an intensive, you know, few week training course for your newest most junior level employees to, you know, first time managerial level employees, how are they learning to lead, how are they learning to worry about the performance of their team, not just themselves, the next level, you know, kind of knocking on that executive level, we P and up, what are their challenges working across functional teams, understanding how their colleagues function, understanding the business from A to Z, a whole different level of learning.
Trish Lemley: (00:17:46) – And then above that, SVPs and up senior executives, what are their challenges, you know, what are they dealing with, they’re no longer worried about the things that got them to where they are, they’re now dealing with diplomacy, politics, all sorts of influencing, very public facing, you know, to the to the world and to the economy. So there’s all these different levels.
Trish Lemley: (00:18:06) – And there’s an opportunity at every level to ensure that learning and growth continues, and that it’s not just for the junior people, not just for the people you’re hiring at the junior levels.
Trish Lemley: (00:18:16) – And with each one of those steps, common succession planning, identifying your high performers, identifying people who aren’t getting it, and how do you help them?
Trish Lemley: (00:18:24) – Identifying where the gaps are and what you’re providing the organization. It’s not only about the learners, it’s about the teachers, are we actually providing the right education in the right areas for the right things? It’s a constant and it’s a constant. If you do it in perpetuity with your HR partners, it can be really impressive and amazing culture. And that investment to Christie’s point, it is big, but it absolutely pays off. The motivation is there, the engagement is there, the return on investment is seen across the board.
Trish Lemley: (00:18:54) – So I just think it’s very empowering when you see it happen in action, and I’ve been lucky to have been able to have seen it in action.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:19:00) – Yeah, no, and just to amplify what Trish and both Carmen have said, especially when it comes to a change management perspective, if anything that 2020 has taught us is that every day is going to be ambiguous and an unknown. And that’s really how it has been within companies since the beginning of time. And so if you’re not having that growth mindset, you’re not having that change management aspect of being able to help further evolve your organization to get from one place to another.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:19:30) – And I think that people often will look at this and say, growth mindset, change management, this is all fluffy. No, it’s not fluffy. It’s actually a very practical, pragmatic project plan and strategic direction to be able to look at the current state of the company and what you want the future state of the company as far as goals to look like, and then being able to build that bridge to be able to get there. And this really comes into not only the pragmatic and practical approach, but it’s really what
Kristy McCann Flynn:(00:20:00) – So, we’re really understanding that gap analysis, and it’s okay to have gaps. If you don’t have gaps in an organization, you really don’t have a drive to work. I mean, and if you don’t have gaps within your own learning, you know, in development, then, you know, what’s the point? And so, it’s really about that constant evolution and that constant change, and we need to have that learning progression along the way.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:20:23) – And if anyone that still disputes this, just remember 2020, because this has been the year that shows how important these skills are, why it’s needed and how we need to be able to continue to hone our leaderships and ourselves every single day to be able to adapt and to be able to continue to build and scale.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:20:43) – Yeah, and thank you, Kristy, it’s so true. And it’s all at the root of no matter what your people’s strategy is, no matter what direction you’re picking, whether you’re building, you’re buying, you’re borrowing, you’re bridging, it’s all going to root and making sure that that’s a person and that person needs to have what they need to execute on that and to meet that gap in your organization and then to find out what the next gap is going to be for them to solve.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:21:05) – It’s good for people to have this and for them to, you know, to be busy within the company and within themselves. And so we talk a lot about, you know, there’s different ways that you can instill learning, whether it’s, you know, through training or it’s through mentorship, but a lot of the times, you know, we provide coaching services and coaching has really kind of become a really, really accessible way for people to be able to build and to grow themselves and to meet themselves where they are in their learning journey.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:21:33) – And so Erin, I’d love for you to speak on this because I know that you quit your job and became a full-time coach to do this.
Rebecca Taylor:(00:21:40) – And so you believe in the practice.
Rebecca Taylor:(00:21:41) – I’d love to know, you know, what is your definition of coaching and how can it be implemented within an organization to create that culture of learning?
Erin Korgie: (00:21:48) – Yeah, thanks, Rebecca. So to me, coaching is all about partnering with a client on a very customized personal journey that allows them to maximize and unlock their full potential. And there’s so much to that, what sounds like a simple sentence that I think is crucial to everything we’re saying. Coaching within an organization, it is about a personal journey of learning. And so if that’s part of your L&D within an organization, that saying to your employees, I believe that it is within you to grow. That in and of itself instills that growth mindset.
Erin Korgie: (00:22:20) – So coaching can be really powerful in that regard. And I think that aligns very much with everything you were just saying. So yeah, so I mean, I think when coaching is something that’s on the table, I’ve seen this work in a lot of different ways, a lot through the Go Coach work that I’ve done, where perhaps it’s an element of an L&D budget where employees are able to go and proactively choose a coach, decide what they wanna work on. It’s not dictated. It is very much a personal journey.
Erin Korgie: (00:22:47) – I’ve also seen it as an element of a larger, like say management program, where there’s one aspect that’s one-on-one coaching, which again is still a personalized journey.
Erin Korgie: (00:22:55) – It’s always confidential.
Erin Korgie:(00:22:57) – It’s about meeting them where they are, bringing them forward. And I think there’s just so much opportunity in that. And it automatically says, we trust you to grow, to work towards that growth. We’re supportive of that. And you can see great things when you get that sort of support from your company.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:23:16) – Yeah, I mean, I fully agree. And it’s not even just an opinion. I mean, we see it. We see it in the way that we work with companies. We see it in the way that we’re delivering ROI. And it really comes down to, coaching is a really, really helpful tool, especially when it’s being built on and reinforced by management, by leadership.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:23:35) – And those concepts are constantly supported.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:23:38) – And so when we talk about sort of this idea of this learning culture, we’ve talked about vaguely kind of how it can really impact an organization, but let’s talk specifically. What are some impacts that coaching can have on an organization? Like what are some things that companies will be able to achieve and to see results in by providing people with this learning opportunity? And Terri, I’ll call you out, cause I know that we’ve been doing this with you for two years now.
Terry Pouser: (00:24:05) – Yes, yes, yes. The unique thing about working with Go Coach is that it’s customized to whatever it is that you need in your company. We’re using coaching primarily for our middle management. And in our company, we see a huge gap. We have managers that have been with us for a while that aren’t the best at managing. And then we have people that are growing up and becoming people managers. And therefore we needed to have an external source to help them build and grow their managerial skills. And that’s where we’ve really tapped in to Go Coach.
Terry Pouser: (00:24:38) – And as Rebecca said, we’ve been using them for quite a few years. Where we’ve seen major improvements is in our retention and where we’ve seen major improvements is around the people that are underneath those managers. When we do the 360 feedback on them, which is how we’re looking at it from a return on investment.
Terry Pouser: (00:24:56) – We’re getting much better results from the people that are underneath the managers that are going through coaching. And the way we provide it is that we provide every new manager with a managerial coaching program, excuse me, management program that then we couple them with a coach afterwards. And, you know, we’ve seen wild swings in the people that are underneath of them and what they have to say about their managers.
Terry Pouser: (00:25:20) – I think now where we’re finding additional gaps and Go Coach is working with us on that too is the leaders or the champions of these managers, some of them don’t have the right capabilities as well. So now we’re tapping into more senior coaches for more senior people. And I think what’s worked really well for us, where we’ve seen a huge return on investment, is the ability to pick the coach and not have a coach force down your throat. They make relationships, they decide when they’re going to talk to the coach and that really helps them.
Terry Pouser: (00:25:54) – They, you know, they have a hand to reach out to when they need help. And the way I look at it is, you know, when you’re a child, you have a mom and a dad. They’re your coach. When you go to school, you have a teacher. They’re your coach. When you go to college, you have a professor. They’re your coach. If you’re an athlete, you have a coach there who’s acting as your coach. But when you go out in the real world to work, it’s almost like someone throws you into a den and they said, okay, figure it out.
Terry Pouser: (00:26:21) – So it’s really a gift if a company invests in coaching and employees should look at it that way because not many of them do. And I’m fortunate enough to not only partner with GoCoach but have a CEO that firmly believes in learning and development and it’s really helped us a lot.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:26:38) – Thank you, Terry. And, you know, I’ll just add to that too, like when I was coming up in HR and, you know, I was finally an HR executive, I was given a coach which you thought was a great opportunity. But I didn’t get to choose this individual. And I felt like every single conversation we were having, we were speaking different languages. And we, I was unable to meet him and he was unable to meet me.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:27:04) – And, you know, when I looked at the amount of investment that was being poured into me but then I also looked at all the investment that I was pouring into coaching for other executives. It was about, you know, making that connection to be able to have that trust and to be able to have that empowerment and that it helps you open up that mindset when that is there. And so why, you know, we use a lot of technology behind everything that we do that technology is an infrastructure.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:27:31) – It does not replace the human component because if there is no trust there, you’re never going to be able to learn anything. It’s one of the major reasons why, you know, employees are constantly leaving companies. They don’t trust their managers. And so it’s not just a trust component, it’s a huge learning gap component. And, you know, when you do get paired with a coach that you have that trust component with, it really starts to be able to get help not only with the growth mindset but really unblock you.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:27:59) – You know, for the things that you did not know and unlock the potential that was there that you never felt or seen before. And so I personally think, you know, when we were putting this together, it was about not, you know, replacing what has been existed since the beginning of time. It’s about making it easy for everybody to have that opportunity and to have that connection to be able to learn and grow. And I think that that’s something that I’m really proud that we’ve done.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:28:26) – I’m really proud that, you know, all of our coaches and our clients have done because it’s not easy. But we do it to make sure that learning is always at the top of everything that we do.
Erin Korgie: (00:28:36) – Can I add to that just the perspective of a coach with Go Coach? We are interviewed by the clients or the coachees and they’re allowed, as we’ve been saying, to choose the coach they want to work with. And there’s a few things that get to happen in that conversation that you have at first. It’s you get to know each other, you get to build whatever relationship you’re going to build starts there. And you get to talk about what does this look like? This is what I want to work on. How would that look like if I was working with you?
Erin Korgie: (00:29:04) – And I think it’s so important that when you’re learning, you learn in a way that works for you. We don’t all learn the same way. And you can pick that up in that initial discussion. So that power of choice, my perspective as a coach, but I certainly would believe as a coachee, is so powerful. And that empowerment of your own learning and your move forward.
Trish Lemley: (00:29:22) – To add to that as well, I agree. Absolutely. It is probably one of the most powerful parts of this process that they can choose their coach, interview a few, get to know them. And to Erin’s point, everyone learns differently. So you’re going to connect differently with different coaches. But to see some of the companies and the, you know, the coachees and the impact, it says so much about the companies that are willing to do this for their employees. So it’s not just a regular, hey, send all the executives off to retreat.
Trish Lemley:(00:29:48) – This is extremely empowering and it sends such a big message to say we’re investing in you and we don’t even want to know what you talk about.
Trish Lemley: (00:29:55) – When you meet with your coach, you’re going to work on goals that are important to you, that motivate you, things you want to learn. And we’re just going to hope that that works for you because we believe in you. We believe in your talent. We believe in your loyalty with our company. And this is, to Terri’s point, this is a gift. It is a huge gift. And it says so much about the companies willing to partner with Go Coach to give this to their employees because I think it shouldn’t be lost on people that says so much about the employer as well.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:30:21) – Yeah.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:30:22) – And thank you, Trish. And it’s even funny because, Terri, you mentioned sometimes that there’s an employee that maybe doesn’t necessarily know what to do with coaching or we say that they should see it as a gift and some do, some don’t.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:30:36) – That’s another intentional reason behind having the coachee choose the coach because if a coachee is working, is sort of signed up to work with Go Coach as part of their management training plan and they need some help to kind of get there to really get bought in, the best way to help someone get bought in is to give them a choice and to give them power and to help them understand that this is your journey. You’re given the tools and the access and the resources. You’re going to pick the person that you’re going to work with.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:31:01) – You’re going to work with them to set your goals. And it’s really up to you. There are expected deliverables in some cases or expected skills or expected results that we’re looking for. But how you get there is really what’s personalized and customized. And I actually have a round robin question for the coaches on the panel. We talk a lot about the impact that coaching can have on companies and things like that, but I’d love to talk about the coachees.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:31:26) – So if each coach can go around and tell us what’s been some, like one of the greatest transformations that you’ve seen in working with a coachee, that transformation in that coaching. Whoever wants to start, but I’ll pick names.
Trish Lemley: (00:31:43) – I’ll start.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:31:44) – Okay.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:31:45) – I’m sorry.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:31:46) – I started pointing at you.
Trish Lemley: (00:31:48) – I’m like, the beauty of our technology, right? You know, speaking about making meeting employees where they are. I started with one coachee who just was kind of like, don’t know where to begin. Don’t know what I think. And so it just became our first session was essentially just, well, brain dump. Tell me where you’re at in your learning and your growth, what you feel about your company. There was a lot of change at this company. A brand new boss was brought in from the outside. This person had been with the company a long time.
Trish Lemley: (00:32:15) – I’m sure you all have felt this dynamic. It’s really challenging out there. You’ve got, and Terry talked about it, longer term employees in management and more younger employees itching to grow and learn. And there’s a chasm there that needs to be filled and abridged. So add to that, it’s a brand new person from the outside. Doesn’t know the company culture. The culture is changing. It’s changing by design. There’s new executive leadership. And this person essentially saying, I love this company so much.
Trish Lemley: (00:32:43) – I love my job so much, but I think it’s time for me to go. I mean, this was the beginning. To fast forward three months to shorten the story, she went from not trusting this brand new boss, thinking that this was her ticket out, that this was her silent message that she should move on to completely engaging, having an amazing relationship with this brand new boss, because she was open to working on the things that she needed to work on. And she was willing to be transparent and to be genuine and to have hard conversations with this new boss.
Trish Lemley: (00:33:12) – And it actually created this amazing new partnership to the point where they opened up a brand new office. She was offered a promotion. She was offered the ability to move there because this new boss said, listen, you’re my right hand. You’re my person. Like we are an awesome team. So in probably three or four short months, now what’s funny is that the boss was also getting coaching through us. And so it just is an amazing thing to watch two people coming at something like, yeah, I’m not sure I trust you.
Trish Lemley: (00:33:39) – I’m not sure this is right for me to a complete 180 where it’s the most trusting, awesome relationship. And they’re both now so engaged and motivated and they’re heading into a very difficult part of the company’s growth, which is people are leaving. People have been laid off. People have been given packages. They’re bringing new employees in, but you now have a management team who solidified, who is partnered, who is motivated. They’re pumped. They know this is like an exciting new opportunity. So just a really very impressive kind of engagement.
Trish Lemley: (00:34:11) – And I reminded the coachee, like, listen, a coach only does so much. You have to go out there and perform.
Trish Lemley: (00:34:16) – Don’t forget that.
Trish Lemley: (00:34:16) – Like, you know, they thank us. Like we did everything. I’m like, you know what? That’s so not it. Like we are here for you. We are your cheerleader. We’re in your corner. We’re teaching you new skills and resources. We’re teaching you to look at yourself more openly and honestly, but you have to go put the effort in. You have to actually go to practice and then play the game. Like we’re not going to be there to do that. So I think that’s an important part of it is reminding them that this isn’t magic.
Trish Lemley: (00:34:39) – That if you pick the right coach, it’s a beautiful experience and it’s an amazing thing because you get the support you need. But that person, just like any actual wheel, you know, like in a sports analogy, that person, that player has to go out there and perform at the end of the day. They have to bring that to the table day in and day out what they learn with us. So that was one of my, you know, really very invigorating, awesome recent experiences.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:35:01) – That’s awesome, Trish. And I just want to hone in on something that made me think of a couple of the coachees that I’ve been coaching with COVID. So when COVID hit, I think I’ve coached about a dozen coachees complimentary and three of them come to mind because of that trust component. Like, you know what I mean? Trish’s example, like they didn’t have that trust within themselves, but you also have like the need to have that trust for yourself.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:35:28) – And they had amazing resumes and they had amazing experiences, but they kept them bossy themselves out based on what other people were telling them based on what, you know, their title was at certain companies and they weren’t trusting their ability and agility to be able to take on new roles and the further involved because they didn’t have, you know, core expertise in certain areas. And so I just want to make sure that like, I mean, the good news is that all three were able to get jobs. And so it was very exciting.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:35:57) – And then two, in completely different fields because they had great skills in project management and they’re able to use that in product management. And I think the other one in customer operations. And so, you know, don’t box yourself out, trust yourself that if you want to be able to learn and grow, you can do that when you’re giving yourself that, you know what I mean, that onus and trust component.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:36:19) – I love that.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:36:23) – Thank you, Kristy.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:36:24) – And Carmen and Erin, you want to share your coachee transformations? These are my favorite stories.
Carmen West: (00:36:32) – I’ll share the one that I that speaks to me the most is, and this was pre COVID, but was it’s a single mom. And she’s an executive in marketing and communication with the company. She has three kids. And she just, you know, had was in transition, but then she landed her role. And we got connected, became her coach after she landed the role. But she was very unhappy, you know, straight in , not happy.
Carmen West:(00:37:06) – And the main thing she was unhappy with was that she accepted the role with, oh, my gosh, it was a significant pay cut, I mean, significant, I can’t think of the number right now, but it was significant. And so I wanted to understand her the why, why would she accept that? And why didn’t you get, you know, reach out to me first during that negotiation, but so we got past that and helped her understand the power of her voice.
Carmen West: (00:37:46) – I think that’s so important for women, you know, the it’s not so much what you’re asking for, but how you ask for it, how you show up in front of that superior that you don’t know very well. And her mindset was she didn’t trust her voice. And she didn’t think that she could ask for more money, because she only been there 90 days. So my thought process was, okay, let’s look at what you have accomplished in 90 days. And when I saw all of that, I said, you need to present a business case because you can ask for more money.
Carmen West: (00:38:31) – If there’s something that happened in between that transaction, you can ask for more money. And so I gave her a template. And I explained the template to her. And I said, but you have to do the work to Trisha’s point. So she did the work, and we practiced and she delivered. And not only did she get an increase of 3%, she also got a framework, a tough timeline of getting her where she should have been explaining why she should be where she wants to be.
Carmen West: (00:39:10) – And because her role was in Ohio, and the role was someplace else, in another state, she’s able to work from home. Now everybody’s working from home, but she’s able to work from home and only travel when needed, you know, as needed. So those are the two things that she was afraid of, you know, presenting herself in a way to really be happy in this role. It wasn’t so much the role, but it was those two things that were impacting her life, since she wasn’t able to be the mom that she wanted to be. And it was just so rewarding.
Carmen West: (00:39:48) – And you know, we still work together today, but she’s still thriving and learning, you know, how to use her voice in the right way.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:39:57) – Yeah, I love that.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:40:00) – Yeah, it’s like it’s helping people have those uncomfortable conversations and do those uncomfortable things that don’t necessarily feel natural to you. And Erin, I know you have a ton of stories because you’ve worked with a ton of our clients and coachees since we’ve started.
Erin Korgie: (00:40:15) – Well, yes. But I think there are a few things and I just what comes to mind is like the simple realizations. Number one, what you’re talking about, like building that confidence, finding your voice, asking for what you want, articulating what you need. That that in and of itself is a huge win. And then that they have the power to change that isn’t. I’m not going to give them the answer, but we’re going to work together to figure out what they need and they will make it happen.
Erin Korgie: (00:40:44) – But one story that comes to mind is I had a client who was mid management and she was definitely defeated. Felt very much like there’s no hope for me here. I don’t work well with my manager. She doesn’t understand my talents. She doesn’t understand me. She wants me to be something I’m not. And, you know, we worked really closely on, well, what what is it that you believe your strengths are? How can we highlight those differently? Is this the right role? What do you want to do?
Erin Korgie: (00:41:13) – And sometimes just having somebody help you find that clarity, challenge the perspective, challenge even what you believe. The client believes their manager thinks of them. Challenge that a little bit. Make them think differently. Sometimes it’s just the voices in our heads and it’s kind of unblocking those that can really open the door to change. And ultimately, after we were working together, she ended up pitching a new role within this opportunity within the organization that she felt was a need based on some of the work she did.
Erin Korgie: (00:41:44) – It highlights her skills. I think she was promoted at some point within that. But because it was a different role, it’s sort of a strange shift. But and is now so happy building this new project, new team and doing it within the confines of what feels right to her. She still has the same manager, but that relationship is stronger because they are focusing on different skill sets and different strengths and qualities that she has that she is really able to dive into within this role.
Erin Korgie: (00:42:14) – So that was one that was really exciting for me as a coach to partner with her on.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:42:19) – Yeah, thank you, Erin.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:42:20) – And that is a good one.
Rebecca Taylor: 2 (00:42:21) – And what I find is kind of a consistent theme is, you know, people are struggling to align with another person in the organization and coaching can help them align with another person in the organization. And so, you know, let’s talk about now, like if people understand the concept of coaching and why it’s important and the impact that it can have on individuals, how can you get it started? Right.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:42:43) – Like how can you decide how can you really kind of build a business case and build a business strategy to bring coaching, learning, development, things like that that are important into your organization? And I know I’m calling on you specifically, Trish and Terry, because when we talked about this yesterday, I know you two had a lot of kind of perspectives and experiences. So, you know, whoever wants to come first, like how do you do this as a business strategy?
Terry Pouser: (00:43:08) – Well, for me, the way I did it as a business strategy was to, as we’ve all talked about, create a business case and look at where we had gaps in the organization, align those gaps to how coaching would help. And then also align it to the skills, excuse me, the goals and objectives of the company. There’s nothing more that a head of that somebody that is the CEO of the company or someone that’s going to give you money is going to adhere to as if you align something and integrate it with what it is you’re already doing.
Terry Pouser: (00:43:38) – And that makes it easier for buy-in. So for me, and I know I’ve worked with Rebecca and Christy on this, the more information I divulge to them, the easier it is for me to take what I think I need and have them help craft a business case for me to go back to the executives and say, this is why I’m asking for this particular new coaching, training, money, whatever it happens to be. So it has to be something that you’re understanding the critical needs of the company.
Terry Pouser: (00:44:06) – Don’t just go in and try to not have a case and try to get people to buy into a learning and development or a coaching different strategy. It just, it won’t work. Yeah. That’s worked for me at 1010 Data, and I don’t think there’s one opportunity that I presented to them from a Go Coach perspective that they’ve said no to. Yeah, it’s a programmatic approach that’s so important. When I was in HR, like, you know, people would like be trying to sell me stuff and it’s just like, are you listening?
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:44:39) – And I think that that’s like the biggest thing that like, you know, I mean, like, when I created this company, I’m like, please, let’s not be those asshole salespeople, like, you know, I mean, with all this, you know, fun technology and all that, like focus on the heart of the organization, which is the people focus on like the listening abilities, like, you know, I mean, have a diverse set of coaches, you know, that that’s there for everybody. And so, you know, it’s really important.
Kristy McCann Flynn:(00:45:02) – And I say this as a former HR executive is that everybody has a solution to something, but it really doesn’t matter unless you’re a coach. You’re listening and understanding.
Trish Lemley: (00:45:12) – To just add to that, I agree completely, obviously, I think once you build that strategy, looking at where your company is at and being honest about that at a real point in time where you need to grow your whole company at every level, to Terry’s point, I think the next step becomes, can be very granular and can really help not just HR, but then your your business leaders to then say, okay, now that we know the big corporate strategy, we’re all tied in.
Trish Lemley:(00:45:34) – Here’s a learning development and growth that’s going to happen here, the different ways it’s going to happen. And then you’re looking at each individual team’s performance, and within those teams, you’re looking at actual individual people.
Trish Lemley: (00:45:44) – And then once those managers start to really live and breathe this culture of understanding where each of their people are at, in addition to where they themselves are at and what their needs are, whether there are gaps there, whether this is a growth opportunity for somebody, or whether there’s an actual gap in skills that someone needs to grow further, it helps inform the entire thing. And it just becomes very cyclical and natural that it keeps moving forward.
Trish Lemley: (00:46:05) – It informs the performance evaluation, which then also goes back to HR and informs what’s next on the learning and growth development strategy, like and how is it all continuing to tie up to corporate goals. And so it all remains so completely intertwined if you truly continue to make it part of your culture and a constant part of the conversation.
Trish Lemley:(00:46:22) – Because once you really understand your talent, you can continue to put together great plans that tie into great goals and through return on investment until if you just keep putting blinders on and do twice a year learning events, you’re never going to get there. And you’re going to be shocked when the turnover is massive and when you’re spending tons of money on recruiting and reteaching and retraining, that amount of money alone is enough to buy you essentially a strategy for learning and development.
Trish Lemley:(00:46:49) – And now with everyone working from home, who knows how long that’ll last, you know, it’s even more important that you understand the needs of your people because you’re going to have to engage them in a different way. You’re going to have to make sure they are motivated and that they’re getting what they need, you know, to feel like they’re part of the organ. They have a path forward. There doesn’t always need to be a timeline on that path forward.
Trish Lemley: (00:47:09) – I think a lot of, you know, a lot of people in management fall victim to the sense of, well, if I talk to them about what they want, they’re going to think that I have to deliver it in a certain timeframe. So they never have that conversation with people.
Trish Lemley: (00:47:20) – What do you want?
Trish Lemley: (00:47:21) – To Erin’s point, what do you want to do? Are you happy? What do you like doing? What are your strengths? Are you in the right place in our organization? We all use the term, you’re in the wrong seat on the bus. And it’s a really important thing to remember. You might have tons of great people who are in the wrong seat on the bus. It doesn’t mean they want to get off the bus, but they’re confused. They don’t know how to get to a different seat. They don’t know if they need different skills. That’s how they would get there.
Trish Lemley: (00:47:41) – If they’re currently in an operational role, but they want to go to marketing, how does that happen? Can it happen? Is it possible? Maybe I should just leave. So I think that once executives start to realize the power of a constant learning culture, they will realize that investment is going to pay off in major dividends.
Terry Pouser: (00:47:59) – And I think one thing to add to Tricia’s comments too, is it, don’t go to the top and try to get buy-in first, try to get buy-in from the people that are going to get impacted by what it is you’re trying to sell. So for me, I always have focus groups or I go to the business leads and say, what do you think about this? Because as Kristy said, if people, if I listen to what they’re saying, then the strategy that I put forth for developing a coaching or a learning development methodology is much, it’s much more stable.
Terry Pouser: (00:48:29) – It’s going to be able to be sold because I have more people buying in from the bottom all the way to the top, as opposed to starting at the top and trying to work my way down.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:48:40) – Yeah. And I appreciate all the perspectives and everything too. And that’s kind of what is really important about how, you know, how we partner, because, you know, when we look at any type of organization that we’re working with, like we don’t walk into a conversation saying, oh yeah, we need to just sell coaching to these people. You know, we have the conversations with our, you know, with our buyers, with our prospects, whether they’re HR or if they’re another part of the organization, because we work with other parts of the organization too.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:49:06) – And it’s really about understanding what are you trying to achieve that you’re not currently able to achieve with the strategy that you have, the people strategy that you have, and how can we help your people strategy impact those particular goals? And we spend a lot of time in that build, in that build strategy. And, you know, even in that borrow strategy just with helping people manage temporary work, you know, temporary workers a little bit better. And we spend a lot of time in that bridge strategy.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:49:33) – And, you know, when we work with clients, we really align the goals for this engagement with the goals that they have for their organization, whether it’s, you know, increased transparency among managers so that they can achieve specific APIs that the organization has, you know, we really kind of bring it from the company’s strategic direction.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:49:53) – And the way that we manage these engagements is that the coaches on each of these particular companies will know what’s going on within the company so that they have that context to what that coach is experiencing.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:50:06) – You know, they’ll know if the company is going through a growth phase, or if you know, they’re implementing a ton of new L&D programs, we’ll have the entire, you know, schedule of trainings that these companies are doing in addition to coaching so that when the coach works with the coachee, they’re like, Okay, I know that you did this training, let’s talk about how you implement that into your day to day.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:50:26) – And just like what Terry mentioned, it should all live as part of a uniform kind of strategy and not just sort of piecemeal initiatives that you know, that you have here and there.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:50:36) – And you know, we can, I know that we want to kind of show a little bit more about how we built our, you know, our new platform and our new initiatives to really give that visibility into our clients and customers that they understand how they’re seeing progress in their engagements that they’re investing so much in because we take it seriously that, you know, we’re able to help your employees achieve the goals that they need to achieve.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:50:59) – And we also understand that you kind of need to know what’s going on, at least in terms of who’s meeting with whom and who’s achieving what. So I know Abby, I do have the, do you have everything ready?
Abbi Flynn: (00:51:13) I do. So just one moment.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:51:16) – Fabulous. You know, as we you know, as we kind of go into this, I think the thing that is really, really powerful about coaching, and I say this as someone who’s been coached, I sort of live between coachees, clients and coaches, I see it from a lot of different angles, really, you know, helping people to have the opportunity to build what they feel they need to build to hit a specific goal is so important. And ultimately, even people who are struggling, they don’t go to work saying today, I want to fail.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:51:42) – No one goes to work and says, you know what, today, I want to do my worst. I want to take everything and I want everything to be awful. People genuinely want to do a better job. And they want to make sure that they’re doing what’s expected of them because the more they can grow, the more they’re going to see benefit for themselves. So this really kind of gives them the opportunity to do that. So Abby, I’ll leave it to you. Can you see the screen now? Yes, we can. All right.
*Video Playing*
Rebecca Taylor: Speaker 6 (00:52:11) – Welcome to go coach. Go coach is a home for people to unlock their potential in a safe and supportive way. We provide the tools for your employees to upskill and reskill so they can continue to make your company successful and help them thrive. We are personalized talent development at scale and we provide this development for coaching, training, e-learning and more. Go… to where your employees are and what they’re looking to learn.
Speaker 6 (00:52:44) – This assessment enables them to begin setting goals right away by capturing their areas of development as well as a peek into their overall engagement and wellbeing. Once the assessment is completed, a suggested list of coaches are shown in the coach marketplace based off their answers. They can make adjustments or search using keywords to Success in coaching lies in the coaching relationship, which is why we uniquely built our platform to… to interview before the official match is made.
Speaker 6 (00:53:14) – This is why our coachees… and communication and work style prior to identifying who they want to work with. As soon as the match is finalized, the coachee can use the… 60-minute coaching sessions. Coachees will receive access to the Go Coach 360… goals. These goals are captured and shared with stakeholders,… workflow. We’ve built the solution to… work, and our administrative portal provides easy on-demand visibility into a coachee’s status.
Speaker 6 (00:54:00) – Stakeholders can see interview metrics, session metrics, overall satisfaction, as well as goal setting, making it easy to measure success over time. Our clients experience higher employee engagement, increased productivity, elevated goal engagement, and more. In addition to our access to 200-plus coaches,
Speaker 6 (00:54:20) – GoCoach provides training, consulting, and eLearning content for larger groups and broader learning initiatives. on topics like… and more. We provide training courses as well as… day roles, turning lessons into behavior change and competency. To learn more about how GoCoach can work with your organization to increase employee retention and productivity, as well as upskill your workforce for long-term success, reach out tonight.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:55:19) – Thanks Abby. And thanks everybody. We wanted to make it, you know, sort of an easy way for people to kind of see how this works and, you know, just what the experience looks like from every part of the experience that people are going to go through, whether you’re a coachee who’s looking for a coach or if you’re an organizational stakeholder and you want to kind of see what’s going on and, you know, how you can sort of track progress as the engagement progresses.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:55:43) – And I know, you know, where we’re kind of focused on in the next, especially in the next few months or so, is we really want to work with, you know, organizations and individuals who are committed to, you know, almost capitalizing on the opportunity that we have to help people become, you know, stronger workers together, more collaborative, more focused on achieving really good things together, because it’ll really make sure that the future of work is a place that really allows people to thrive and really allows people to grow.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:56:15) – And, you know, we do have some promotions that are going on right now, especially for, you know, for individuals and for people who’ve attended this, you know, this conversation and who’ve been part of this event with us. We’re actually offering a 10 percent discount for anybody who schedules time to explore Go Coach with us between now and July 31st. So if you want to have a conversation, we’ll be sending out a follow up after this so that you can reach out to us and we can get that scheduled. And it can be scheduled for after July.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:56:44) – As long as it’s booked by July, you’ll be eligible for that 10 percent discount. And, you know, typically where, you know, we’ll work together to put together a package that makes sense for everybody. You know, we do have a standard, you know, monthly cost and we do have, you know, sort of standard plans that companies have used before that, you know, we can help. But we’re also, you know, we want to work with budgets because we know that we’re in the middle of a lot of change right now.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:57:08) – And we really want to just focus on making sure that, you know, coaching is accessible to people who need it and that there’s different learning opportunities and everything for those two. So, you know, if you have a hundred dollar budget or if you have, you know, a 50 million dollar budget, you know, we’ll talk to you, we’ll work with you. We’ll figure out, you know, what it is because if you’re at the point where you’re ready to get something started and to help people get really what they need, then we’re here to help support you in doing that.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:57:34) – And I know that was the end of the conversation for most of us today. Kristy or Abby or Jeff or anybody, do you have anything you wanted to add before we wrap up?
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:57:43) – I just want to thank everybody again. It’s one thing, you know, to be able to, you know, help bring this education to everybody at scale, but we have really built an army of educators. And that’s the thing that I’m most proud of. And that’s what I want people to be able to see and have the opportunity to be able to learn, you know, with our amazing coaches. They are the heart of the organization and of everything that we do. And I’m proud and privileged and humbled every single day that I get to interact with them.
Kristy McCann Flynn: (00:58:12) – And so I just want to make sure that they know how much I care and how much I mean that and a big thank you. But, you know, we’re here for anyone. So don’t be a stranger. We were built for you by you, you know, as HR, as, you know, wanting to continue the education for anyone in a safe and supportive way. So we look at this in a very holistic mindset, you know, as to what you need and being able to meet you where you’re at.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:58:40) – Thank you, Kristy. And thanks, everybody. And so we’ll have, we’ll follow up with everybody so that you know how to reach out to us. If anyone’s interested in starting a conversation, you can email us at sales at gocoachgo.com. You’ll probably get a response from Jeff, who’s here. So we wanted him to, at least you could see what he looks like so that you know who’s following up with you. And we look forward to connecting with you, you know, any way, shape or form and, you know, working with you and seeing what we can do together.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:59:04) – So thanks again, everybody. Thank you to the panel. Thank you, Kristi, Jeff, Abby, and I hope everybody has a good day.
Rebecca Taylor: (00:59:10) – Bye.