Reworked features SkillCycle in latest article

the reworked logo sending readers to an article on the reworked website

The Value of Reskilling and Internal Mobility — Ultimately, shareholder perception about the value and deployment of layoffs also has to change. Once seen as an easy way to shed costs, layoffs should no longer be the go-to solution. Organizations must do a better job of prioritizing and pivoting people into new roles as the economic landscape changes.

An employee experience that starts with the employee

SkillCycle co-founder and CEO Kristy McCann Flynn presents at an event

There was no name for what we did. So we named it. Human Capital Development consolidates all of the disparate technology that HR teams herd daily and puts it all together. No more disconnected data in a learning platform and a performance management tool. No more spreadsheets of loose data that don’t connect.

A CEO’s Reflections, and the Path Forward as SkillCycle

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A CEO’s Reflections, and the Path Forward as SkillCycle CEO Kristy McCann Flynn reflects on the transformation from GoCoach to SkillCycle, our human capital development platform. This week we launched SkillCycle, a Human Capital Development platform! Yes, we did it!  When I created GoCoach 5 years ago, the North Star was always to create an […]

SkillCycle featured in HR Tech Cube


SkillCycle’s relaunch announcement and activity was picked up by HR Tech Cube recently and featured our new SkillCycle Suite. Check it out and while you’re there, read up on the latest news from HTC.

GoCoach Relaunches as SkillCycle to Address Large Gap in HR Tech Landscape

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GoCoach Relaunches as SkillCycle to Address Large Gap in HR Tech Landscape The new company’s Human Capital Development Suite centers learning at every stage of the employee lifecycle. Philadelphia, PA (Tuesday, January 24, 2023) ––– GoCoach, a leading Coach Marketplace and Learning Experience Platform that serves mid-market and enterprise customers, today announced a series of […]

TD Magazine Article: High Performance For All

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High-performance employees aren’t simply found, they are also coached. In this TD Magazine article, our CEO & Co-Founder, Kristy McCann Flynn discusses how democratized coaching – created for everybody and created by everybody – is crucial to workforce development, performance, and retainment

SkillCycle Platform Enhancements Revolutionize Personalized Learning

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SkillCycle announces the release of its new platform to enhance personalized learning. SkillCycle worked with Unicon, a leading EdTech consulting and digital services company, to update the existing coachee interface, as well as build new client and coach-facing dashboards.

SkillCycle Recognized As The Best Coaching/Mentorship Company At The Workies 2019

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We are thrilled to announce that SkillCycle has won the award for the Best Coaching/Mentorship Company at the Work Awesome Conference on October 24th. The Workies is an award program created with the intention of recognizing, rewarding, and celebrating achievements and excellence of those in HR. The Workies are brought to you by the DisruptHR NYC team.