What Employees Want Companies To Teach Them

two people writing on their computers at work.

Employees are looking for workplaces that prioritize their growth. This includes offering coaching and learning and development opportunities to succeed. It’s critical to invest in your talent to retain it.

How Not To Burn Out Your HR Staff & Employees

women burnout at work from home with her head in her hands.

Burnout in HR too often occurs, staff is overworked and tired with little to no resources to support. After over a 20 year career in HR, our CEO and Co-founder, Kristy McCann has witnessed this time and time again. Check out our blog with our recommended resources to learn the ways not to burnout your team.

Embracing Remote Culture Part I: Understanding The Impact Of Remote Work

a man working from home with a child drawing at the same table

This isn’t news to anyone, but the world is changing. Now more than ever, people are looking for ways to improve the way they work to have a better impact on their overall lives. Not surprisingly, we’ve seen a rise in remote work as technology has evolved. But right now, it’s mostly innovative and cutting edge companies that support remote work, and it’s not yet become the “new normal.”

A New Year, A New HR

people co-working together at a table of computers

There have been some notable changes in the workforce this past year: companies becoming “woke”, high-profile CEO dismissals, and a workplace people transformation with new opportunities ahead of us in 2020. I am so excited about the new and many ways we can help others, knowing that many of the excuses and distractions that hindered us in the past are finally going away for good!

When You Focus On The Things That Matter

two men working on their computers in their office

We all go through daily evolution of ourselves and each other. It is what guides us to do the best we can do, especially when it really matters. However, it can also derail us from meeting our ultimate potential and goals when we try to do too much with such little time. When this happens, it deflates our self-worth and erodes our confidence in ourselves. And if we are not focused, we are not meeting our greatest potential