The Top Four Learning Lessons Of Leadership

two men working on a project together

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Kristy McCann Flynn’s top lessons on leadership, as seen on Forbes. Starting, most critically, by leading with learning and prioritizing your people.

13 Tips To Help Businesses Decide Whether To “Stay The Course” Or Embrace The Latest Tech

women using her phone and laptop at a cafe

Since New technologies are developed and released almost daily, leaders of young businesses may think they need to implement the latest tech immediately to keep up or, if they’re in tech development themselves, rush a new product to market. But that’s not always the smartest move—with technology, as with anything else, “new” doesn’t always equal “better,” and “first” doesn’t always equal “winner.”

15 Top Tips To Become A Better Team Player At Work

a photo of building blocks spelled out a teamwork on a table

15 Top Tips To Become A Better Team Player At Work The Forbes Coaches Council has a new article on what to do to be a better team player. The article features 15 top tips from 15 Forbes council members, including our own CEO, Kristy McCann. Getting along with your co-workers is key to enjoying […]