Tori Rochlen

Tori has spent her career dedicated to growing herself, her teams, and supporting the growth of others around her. During her 10-years in HR, Tori became a trusted HR partner with strengths in process improvements, program management and building trusting relationships cross-functionally. As a true HR generalist, she has experience in HR compliance, total rewards, global mobility, talent management and development, and employee engagement.

Using her HR experience, Tori became employee #3 at GoCoach/SkillCycle, responsible for building and scaling employee coaching programs and leading significant operational changes to influence scalable product growth.  Today, Tori drives the learning success and enablement strategies, improving user ability to access the right content and resources that will help them utilize the SkillCycle platform in ways that contribute to their own successes.  She is also a coach on the platform and manages SkillCycle’s talented coach community, always advocating for continuous learning and development for all SkillCycle users.

co-workers clapping for their fellow employee

5 Areas Where Coaching Can Impact Your Organization

We’re often asked how a solution like SkillCycle can impact the bottom line of an organization. The simple answer is that the people of your company are the single most important asset you have, and the more you invest in them the more your company will grow. But we know this isn’t enough information to bring to your CFO when you’re looking for budget and support on a new initiative.

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people co-working together at a table of computers

A New Year, A New HR

There have been some notable changes in the workforce this past year: companies becoming “woke”, high-profile CEO dismissals, and a workplace people transformation with new opportunities ahead of us in 2020. I am so excited about the new and many ways we can help others, knowing that many of the excuses and distractions that hindered us in the past are finally going away for good!

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employees working together around the table on a project

15 Effective Delegation Strategies For Busy Leaders

Put yourself in the right frame of mind to begin delegating as you start each day. A great first step is to change what you ask yourself every morning. Instead of asking yourself, “What do I need to do today?” ask yourself, “What needs to get done today?” This simple change takes the focus off you as the resource and puts the focus on the task at hand for all resources you choose to engage. – Jim Vaselopulos, Rafti Advisors, LLC

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two men working on their computers in their office

When You Focus On The Things That Matter

We all go through daily evolution of ourselves and each other. It is what guides us to do the best we can do, especially when it really matters. However, it can also derail us from meeting our ultimate potential and goals when we try to do too much with such little time. When this happens, it deflates our self-worth and erodes our confidence in ourselves. And if we are not focused, we are not meeting our greatest potential

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two men working at a desk

Putting Humanity At The Forefront Of Your Organization

In the 1960s, Bob Dylan released the song “The Times They Are A-Changin’” as a way to speak to what was happening during a pivotal time in the United States. As NPR reported, “The civil rights movement was underway and demonstrations against the war in Vietnam were gearing up.”

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women on using an iPad doing work at a cafe

3 Soft Skills That Are Actually Hard Skills

There is an ongoing conversation about what skills people need to fulfill themselves and support their companies – but what these needed skills are is often ambiguous. Some say soft skills (e.g., emotional intelligence, communication and change management) are the most important, and others say hard skills (e.g., technology, customer service and basic work skills) take priority to enter and thrive in the workforce.

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three women working at a desk while two are on the computer, and another one is writing

Could Your Team Defend Winterfell?

Not sure about you, but I’m still reeling from Game of Thrones this weekend. Yes, I’m one of those people who need to talk incessantly and theorize, but I can promise you that there will be no spoilers and this will be relevant to you even if you know nothing about the show. For those who don’t follow, this week’s episode featured a scenario that the entire 8 seasons of the show have been leading up to.

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